All of This Under The Rug...
BHO/Biden: FBI Collusion Hoax, DNC emails Hoax, J6 Hoax. Laptop Hoax, Domestic Terror Hoaxes/BHO/Biden/Brennan CIA: Libya/Syria/UKR/Iraq/Iran/Cartel proxy wars/OBL hoax/C-19 pandemic
The Deep State is not going to be happy with president Trump's nominations for FBI, CIA, DHS as they address failures, and criminal government activities.
Security needs to be very tight, JFK/RFK assasinated for much less.
Both the FBI/CIA under BHO/Biden especially with Comey/Wray/Brennan/DHS Mayorkas as directors have much to answer for:
OBL raid hoax, body double, payment of bribes to cover up.
Extortion 19 cover up, a helo carrying ST-6 and other Spec Ops, largest loss in history.
Coup in UKR, ignited the current UKR War.
Regime change in Libya, Benghazi Debacle , failed state, covert arms to radicals in Syria.
Attempted Regime change in Syria, continues.
Attempted Regime change in Egypt, massive chaos.
Attempted regime change Russia, failed. Continues with danger of larger war.
Troop pullout Iraq, led to rise of ISIS.
Funding of gain of function research in Wuhan lab, caused C-19 pandemic, massive cover up by all.
Funding Iran led to proxy wars in Gaza, Lebanon, Red Sea Houthi's.
Open Border billions expended on illegals, meteoric rise in human drug trafficking, crime, foreign operatives, drug deaths, rise of cartels, gangs.
Attempted regime change US: impeachment/lawfare President Trump: Collusion hoax, DNC email Hoax, J6 set up, cover up, laptop hoax affected election, cover up of Biden corruption affected elections Trump supporter's domestic terrorist hoax, attempted assassinations.
Disastrous A-Stan withdrawal, secret deals, lives lost, billions lost.
FBI failures/cover ups Boston Bombers, Ft Hood shooter, LV massacre, San Bernadino shooters, Pulse shooter, Colleyville shooter, Garland TX shooter, Nashville shooter, Ft Hood shooter, J6 under cover agents, J6 pipe bomb hoax, Ashli Babbit shooter, etc., censorship, lying to Congress, dis-mis information, election fraud.
US Funding of Hamas, Houthi's, Taliban.
Destruction of Nord Stream pipeline.
Regime change to remove Bibi, failed.
Books/Films can/have been written documenting the corruption, treason, lies, cover ups, blackmail, malfeasance, abuse of power loss of lives and treasure on all of above.
President Trump's reformers and investigators will be very busy.
Security needs to be very tight, JFK/RFK assasinated for much less.
This is a very convoluted piece, not all info is correct, but lists failures and starts coversation.
Note: Gen Flynn is addressing Trump's instincts in Syria.